You may not be able to open your business 24/7. However, if you have the right website, customers will be able to do business with you around the clock. A well-developed, custom-designed site will have everything you need to help you realize your business goals including search engine-optimized content. It will also have all the things customers expect such as fast speeds and easy navigation. To achieve all this, a thorough e-commerce website development process is a must.

What Is the Process of Website Development?

The best websites take a lot more work than people think. That’s because most people don’t understand the process or they’ve had sites built by individuals who cut corners. Here are the steps involved in professional custom design.

  • Providing web development firms with details about your company and what makes it unique. The team will then research your industry and improve on your competitors’ sites. At the end of this stage, the designer will start to build a structure for your site.
  • Adding content. Content can include text, images, audio, and video. If you had a website before, you may be able to start the new site with some of this content. Alternatively, you may need to get the content revised or created from scratch.
  • Designing the prototype. How do you want your website to look? When you have some content, the designer can design some prototypes for all the major pages. This is the stage of the e-commerce website development process during which you can experiment.
  • Perfecting the custom design. The site will now be tailored specifically to your needs so you need to work closely with the designer. Be sure to provide as much feedback as possible so you get the site that best suits your goals.
Custom-designed website Website from template
Can cost up to $15,000 or more Can be free or very low-cost
It May take several months to develop Faster to design
Will be fully aligned with your branding Won’t fully reflect your brand
You can specify the functions you want May not have all the functionality you require
Can be easily scaled up May not be able to grow with your business
  • Working out the technical details. When you’re satisfied with the design, it’s time for the developer to finish up their work. They will set up the content management system and write the code for the site. The developer will ensure that your beautiful site is also efficient and user-friendly.
  • Check for errors. Before the website is officially launched, it needs to be tested. No matter how skilled the development team is, there will be some errors, even if they are virtually unnoticeable.

The process will also involve:

  • Locating and fixing broken links
  • Testing the website’s performance
  • Navigating the site using different browsers
  • Checking for device compatibility

While these are numerous steps, they all contribute towards a highly-personalized final product.